Thursday, February 23, 2012

Joseph, you are wanted.

As I have been advocating for Joseph, I have all these thoughts running through my mind.

"Does anyone want Joseph as their son?"

"Why is there not a family who wants him?"

"God, can there please be a family who wants him???"

Sure enough, the Lord answers prayers!! PTL!!!I am proud to announce there is a family who is in the process of adopting Joseph. They have just recently found an agency and are starting up on the piles of paper work!

Prayer requests!!
-This family would like you to pray for the Lord's will. This is a big step to go forward into this process adopting an older boy so they need all the wisdom from the Lord they can get!
-They also need pray financially that God would provide the money.

I have been chatting with them over email and they sound to me like a pretty neat family. I am so thankful that this young family is willing to take a big leap of faith in bringing Joseph into their lives.

As for this blog, I will now be posting updates and prayer requests from the family.

It is now our job to keep praying for Joseph's adoption process. Pray the family will be able to finish the paperwork before he turns 14.
"Joseph, you have a family who wants you!!!!!!"


  1. :) :) :) SO happy! I will be praying!!

  2. Praise the Lord! so excited for him & them & yes we will continue to pray!

  3. We are so thrilled!!! Our family has been praying for Joseph for four years, ever since we were pursuing, then adopted Elijah. I would love to be in contact with this family. Elijah and Joseph were buddies at SF and we would love for them to stay in touch. All praise to Him!

  4. How wonderful - all praise to Him who is able!!! We have been praying and will continue to pray for this family.

  5. This is amazing news!! Keep us updated!

  6. Such wonderful news. He has been on my heart ever since I first heard about him. I will continue to pray the process go smoothly and quickly!

  7. My heart just jumped right out of my chest!!! I am thrilled he is going 'home'! what a precious family to step out in such BIG faith! Blessings and love to them all. Thank you for this amazing update I would have probably never heard because I am off FB right now. THANK YOU!!! XOXO

  8. Wonderful news!!!! I'm so happy for Joseph and his new family. :-) Please keep us updated!

  9. We will be praying for Joseph and this family in process!
    Thank you for advocating for him!

  10. I'm so happy! Praying for a quick PA.

  11. Awesome news! Do they have PA yet? Let us know so we can post on the advocacy Yahoo group! You may want to share this blog with your friends - look at right of homepage - loaded w/ helpful info on adopting an older child

    God bless!
    Karin F

  12. fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed... so happy for Joseph, hope everything pulls together!
    Claudia Huisman
    The Netherlands, mom to a daughter and son from China
